Air Permits issued in New Mexico

Air permits in New Mexico are issued by Environment Department (ED) within the Air Quality Bureau (AQB).

Regulatory Agency

The Air Quality Bureau website can be found at:

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Construction Permits Issued in New Mexico

To find information about construction air permits in New Mexico, go to

Air construction permits can be found by searching for the desired facility on NMED's mapping tool:

Once a user finds the desired facility, click on the location marker, then click Resources. The permit will then be available for viewing.

Operating Permits Issued in New Mexico

To find information about operating air permits in New Mexico, go to

Air operating permits can be found by searching for the desired facility on NMED's mapping tool:

Once a user finds the desired facility, click on the location marker, then click Resources. The permit will then be available for viewing.

Local Air Districts in New Mexico

The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Program issues permits for stationary sources of air pollution. Their website can be found here:

A list of all issued permits can be found here:

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